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Diamond engagment ring gets a royal flush
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Vivacious vintage will spice up every outfit
Vintage jewelry adds a different touch to any ensemble. With bright colors and amusing designs, this is a sure fire way to add a bit of glamour to the plain attire that you might wear to a business meeting or so forth.
Who said that old jewelry wasn’t in style anymore? They were lying to you as many people prefer vintage jewelry as the pieces to spruce up something that you have had lying in the closet. Some vintage jewelry is designed for different seasons or different holidays while some reflect personal interests. Whatever you are looking for for that drab outfit, vintage jewelry is the way to go.
Antique love
We wandered past and were caught by the glint of blue glass in the window. From a cutter’s room in Czechoslovakia to the neck of his high-society love to the hands of a young heir to the shipment of consignment pieces landing in the states to the hands of a shopkeeper in Boulder to the window of said shop and into my eyes, then hands, each piece has a lifetime of its own, much lived before I was even born and now a part of mine.
That jewelry store today did not just sparkle with shining things, it rang with love and loss, dreamy eyes and relaxed remembrance. Every piece, dozens of stories. A story for every facet. And when I slipped the art deco emerald onto my finger, it sang a song of joy and good times. The tourmaline, a sense of earth and clarity. The canary surrounded by white, a precious and precarious moment, fleeting and sparrow-light. And the cat’s eye moonstone, it was like drinking warm sake - clear and soothing with a splash of awe.
I think there are few things more beautiful in this world than the story of love that follows a precious gem from generation to generation. Today, holding and loving those pieces for their innate beauty, old-world craftsmanship, and physical and emotional heritage, I too became part of the story, part of their beauty.
This beautiful story can be found at:
Trend Watch: Honoring the Sentiment: Vintage & Antique Jewelry
The subject of her jewelry came up because earlier in the week, she had lost the top of an antique ring from the 1800’s, a favorite ring that she professed to wearing all the time. When she got home one day, she found she was inexplicably wearing a flat, ugly ring, and it was only when she returned to the television studio and found the dazzling top of the ring sitting on the edge of a dressing table that she realized her ring had come apart and some thoughtful individual had set the ring top on the table rather than pocketing it. This goes into the category of “people are good,” noted Walters.
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Elton John Sells His J Brooch
The 1930’s era Art Deco brooch has brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds with oval-cut and circular-cut sapphires. It was created in 1935 and has an estimated value of between $22 and $27 thousand. The brooch is truly an exquisite piece of jewelry that is both valuable for the jewels that comprise it, as well as for its story. The piece is entirely unique, and its new owner will own a beautiful piece of music history.
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Go For Something Different - Antique Engagement Rings
Old antique engagement rings are those classic style rings that bring back the charm and history of an era gone by. Many couples enjoy the nostalgic feel of something their grandparents may have worn. Others simply like the idea of old-fashioned quality styling and workmanship.
The Internet and online auctions in general have brought the world of antique wedding rings into our home. You can shop at Antwerps mega diamond dealers or a village charity shop all from your home computer. If you like to shop closer to home where you can touch and feel the rings and try them on for size and style, then there are other great sources for vintage engagement rings. Estate sales and flea marketsare great sources for authentic vintage jewellery including diamond or sapphire jewelry in gold or silver.
An antique engagement ring is like a fine wine or work of art; it speaks of the refined taste and cultivation of its owner. It is a showpiece of superb old-world craftsmanship, in contrast to the plain bands and prong settings of most modern rings. Because it is too costly to reproduce such intricate detail nowadays, antique rings will continue to appreciate in value over time.
The most desirable estate engagement rings on the market today date from the late Victorian era (turn of the century) through the 1940s. Such rings reflect the popular tastes of their time; therefore, rings from different eras have very different characteristics.
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Tacoma Museum Exhibits Ornament As Art
Ornament as Art is the first major exhibition of contemporary jewelry to fully explore its impact as a global art form.
Drawing from the highly regarded collection of jewelry expert, gallerist, and educator Helen Williams Drutt, the exhibition examines the art and design of contemporary jewelry, placing it firmly within the artistic movements of the 20th century.
Beginning with jewelry made in the 1960s, when a dramatic shift occurred in how ornament and jewelry were perceived, and continuing through to works made in the 1980s and 1990s, the exhibition explores the avant-garde nature of the works, the artist’s sometimes controversial use of scale and form, as well as the value placed on concepts and ideas rather than precious materials.
Valentine's day
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The origin of Valentine's day
The popular customs connected with Saint Valentine's Day's probably originated in medieval England and France. The most likely origin of the habits of Valentine's day is the old belief that birds starting to mate at February 14th. Specially in the Middle Ages, when "courtly love" was in flower, this belief was widely spread.
This belief about "love-birds" is probably the reason Saint Valentine's feast day came to be seen as specially consecrated to lovers, and as a proper occasion for writing love letters and sending lover's tokens. English and French literature of the fourteenth and fifteenth-century contain allusions to this practice.
In the 14th Century the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer writes in his "Parliament of Foules":
Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.
Either the bird in the picture above is a Bird of Paradise or a rather feathery dove. One or the other, both could be considered Valentine's love symbolisms par-excellence. The Bird of Paradise represents (not surprisingly) paradise and doves in Victorian poetic terms are the symbol of love...
Antiqualy yours,
The Adin team
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Jewelry and makeup in ancient Persia
Acheamenid Jewelry |
Archaeologists have discovered various instruments of make-up and ornamental items in the Burnt City, which date back to the third millennium BCE.
The caves of the Bakhtiari region, where the first hunter-gatherers settled at the end of the ice age, have yielded not only stone tools, daggers and grindstones but also several stones covered with red ocher.
Parthian goat-shaped vessel |
Other caves in Kermanshah have also yielded several samples of animal bones with traces of paint. Again, as the cave walls are undecorated, it can be inferred that the residents used these bones as ornaments.
The tombs found in Kerman have all yielded white powder made of lead or silver suggesting the people of this region were the first to use white powder for beautification purposes.
Jewelry found in the Burnt City, Iran |
The masks and statues unearthed at Haft Tappeh in Khuzestan, show the people of the time blackened and extended their eyebrows, reddened their lips and cheeks and lined their eyes up to the eyebrows.
Archaeological finds dating back to the first millennium BCE, show the diversity and abundance of cosmetics and ornaments in this period, suggesting that this era was the peak of the art of decoration and makeup in Iran.
A Parthian Gold Bead |
Metal, bone, shell, stone and glass rings, bracelets, armlets, anklets, hair and dress pins, circlets, chokers, ornamental buttons, various ear and fingernail cleaning tools are among the frequent finds from this era.
Achaemenid gold necklace with seal |
Archaeological excavations in central Iran at Tappeh Si Arg in Kashan and Tappeh Hessar in Damghan have unveiled the same extent of makeup materials and ornamental ware.
Decorative beads made from pearl, turquoise, copper, silver, gold and unbaked or baked lime from 4,600 BCE to 1,800 BCE are the most frequent finds at these sites.
Achaemenid jewelry |
Tappeh Hessar graves, even those belonging to children, all contain an array of such objects.
Cave dwellers used water as the first mirror. Gradually as man learned to melt and polish metals, he crafted mirrors.
A pair of Gold Earrings ( 500-300 BCE) |
In the excavation of the Sassanid tombs of Azarbaijan, two sheets of glass with tar and silver-coated backs were discovered, which archaeologists believe were used like modern mirrors.
These sheets of glass/ancient mirrors like many other Iranian treasures from the past have been housed in the British Museum.
The first combs found in Burnt City excavations are as old as 4,700 years and are mostly wooden with embossed decorations.
Studies suggest the women of Sistan used combs for both decoration and functional means.
Persepolis image |
Archaeologists believe women used the various springs found in the tombs in Ilam's Poshtkoh cemetery to wrap their hair. Hair wrappers with a bejeweled middle or outside rod have also been discovered in Ilam's Chenar graveyard.
Persepolis images suggest kings and soldiers used extensions in their beards and hair.
Achaemenid white agate bead necklace ( 550-330 BCE) |
Sassanid women were so attached to makeup and ornaments that they were often buried with them. In this era, the use of semi-precious ornamental objects became popular, an example of which is the belt buckle adorned with pink agate which is housed at the Wisebaden Museum.
Sassanid carnelian stamp seal |
The intricacy of some of the jewelry unearthed still amazes archaeologists as to how people from ancient times designed and produced ornaments of such delicacy.
See Adin's ancient jewelry or antique jewelry
The Hessen Affair (movie)
At the end of World War II, the biggest jewel theft in history turns into a bloodbath when thieves fall out in a thriller with echoes of DOUBLE INDEMNITY and BODY HEAT.
1945 - Castle Kronberg, outside Frankfurt, is turned into a ‘country club’ for victorious American officers. Outside, the country is starving, but within the castle walls, young Americans who have never been away from ordinary homes and jobs, find themselves jitterbugging the nights away in a palace where they are the conquerors ...
Princess Sophie of Hesse, the castle’s owner, fled hours before the arrival of the Yanks. She didn’t have time to move or conceal all the castle’s treasures. Most of the dazzled young officers confine themselves to swiping the silverware ...
But two, smarter and more determined than the rest – the cynical COLONEL JACK DURANT and the dazzling beautiful LIEUTENANT KATHLEEN NASH – have other ideas. While Glenn Miller foxtrots thump overhead in the ballroom, Durant and Nash bump into each other in the basement, armed with pickaxes and a mutual curiosity to find whatever else the princess might have left behind ...
And they do ...
Nash and Durant uncover the crown jewels of Germany – more diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls than are gathered in any one place outside the Tower of London. The value is beyond anyone’s ability to compute. The discovery ignites a sexual frenzy between Nash and Durant, who decide to steal the jewels – to the victors go the spoils.
Nash and Durant manage to get the gems to New York, where they must deal with gangsters to fence the loot. They are out of their league and must use their wits when dealing with someone like Ben Cassidy, builder of the new Las Vegas and owner of the New York Yankees.
But Cassidy and his cronies have never been presented with such a hoard as this. And it isn’t long before everyone gets greedy. The body count begins to mount around Nash and Durant.
To make matters worse for the two renegade officers, Princess Sophie discovers the theft of her jewels and complains to American army headquarters. It now turns out that her brother fought for the Allies and is about to marry the future Queen of England, Elizabeth! That’s right, Sophie’s brother is Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.
The army is now compelled to go after Nash and Durant.
With double-crossing gangland figures trying to control the gems and the army closing in on them, will Kathy Nash and Jack Durant stay true to one other and their plan?
Or will one sell the other out ?
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Estate Diamonds
Diamonds are a precious type of stone which can be purchased through a variety of mediums. Some choose to go to their local jewelry stores to browse the selection in order to make a purchase whereas others tend to look to less mainstream methods to acquire a diamond. Estate diamonds purchased through the second hand market are an additional way to look for diamonds which some individuals tend to prefer. This may be due to the desire to purchase a diamond which has been passed through the generations or perhaps the consumer is simply looking to acquire the best deal possible on the purchase of this type of gemstone. Whatever the reason may be, those who wish to buy estate diamonds on the second hand market may wonder if they will be able to do so and still get a top-notch quality diamond.
Buying estate diamonds can be a tricky venture for some as it is often hard to know exactly what one is getting unless they are a trained gemologist. With that said, for those who wish to purchase a diamond of this type, they should not shy away from doing so simply for that reason alone. Buying estate jewelry and estate diamonds in particular will often yield a wonderful heirloom for the buyer.
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Trend Watch: Waisted at the 2009 Golden Globes
Winslet wore a spectacular bracelet of five rows containing 47 carats of diamonds as well as diamond earrings by Chopard, but it was the jewels at her waist of her black Yves St. Laurent gown that have quite captured my fancy. The waistline of her gown was accented with an exquisite diamond pendant brooch, reportedly also by Chopard. This detail at the waist presents an exciting, adaptable style.
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Valentine's day
today more than yesterday,
but less than tomorrow.
This jewel became very popular and is still considered today as a token of love. The coded message in it is in French (the language d'amour par excellence!) and reads: '+ qu hier - que demain'. This is inspired by a beautiful and romantic French poem by Rosemonde Gérard called 'Les Vieux', which was intended for Edmond Rostand. It comes from the sentence 'Et, comme chaque jour je t'aime davantage, Aujourd'hui plus qu'hier et bien moins que demain' meaning:
today more than yesterday
but less than tomorrow'
The most likely origin of the habits of Valentine's day is the old belief that birds starting to mate at February 14th. Specially in the Middle Ages this belief was widely spread. In the 14th Century Chaucer writes in Parliament of Foules: "For this was sent of Seynt Valentine's day, Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate."
The sending of love letters at Valentine's day we already see in English and French literature in the late Middle Ages. Not only the message that was send got the name "valentine" but also the involved individuals.
The legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
Finally, unspoken love is like keeping Valentine in prison. Offering a Valentine gift to the one you love would be like releasing him/her by defying Claudius II. Should you be looking for a way of defying Claudius II, just browse our collection with love token jewelry.
Antiqualy yours,
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Burglar fooled!
You have many customers like myself that have large collections I would suspect. Maybe my story will help someone else. |
So this time the story had an happy ending but not everybody is as lucky as Robin. We therefore strongly suggest to have your jewelry insured and appraised and that you store those appraisals in another place then the jewelry itself.
In case you decide not to have your jewelry appraised then you can also make photocopies of your jewelry next to a ruler (in color is best but black/white is good too). It's easy, alway in focus and you don't have to describe as much. From all your jewelry you take a scan from both top and bottom.
In our next issue we will return to interesting subjects on antique jewelry and we will dive a bit in the history and symbolism of Valentine's day. Meanwhile feel free to browse our entire collection.
Or see our: love-token-jewelry, latest acquisitions, jewelry glossary or style overview
Antiqualy yours and happy browsing!
The Adin team
Giant Tanzanite to be Displayed in Tucson
-- JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone, 1/13/2009 8:39:00 AM

The largest tanzanite ever discovered has been cut and polished and will be on display at AGTA GemFair Tucson.
The unusually large piece of rough was uncovered at the TanzaniteOne mining facility in Meralani, Tanzania, in early 2008. Rare Multicolor Gems, at its cutting facilities in Jaipur, India, shaped the 525.55-ct. stone “to reflect maximum brilliance, while keeping its incredible size and unique color,” the Tanzanite Foundation said in a statement.
Plans are being made to send the gem to the American Gem Trade Association for grading and certification according to the Tanzanite Foundation’s Tanzanite Quality Scale.
The gem will be on display at the Tucson Gemfair at GJX Booth #824-924, Feb. 4 – 9.
Estate Jewelry is Ready For Teen Fashions
A teen’s fashion statement which includes both clothing and jewelry plays a role in their identity, how they fit, how they feel, how they blend. It has a big role on their self esteem during those developmental years. And moms and dads they don’t want your input! This is a time of discovery and you can be guaranteed if you like it they’ll toss the idea out the door in ten seconds or less. But that doesn’t mean you can’t subtly steer them. Estate jewelry and fashion jewelry are affordable choices that can work well for teens. So just gently lead them in the right direction and let them make their own discoveries.
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Guide To Purchasing Antiques
The first thing to consider is the originality and history of the antique you intend to buy. As rare antiques come at higher prices, you would not want to be fooled by fake replicas. Many antique sellers often put up retouched items for sale. But antiques look best when they are not refurbished though you should not buy items with defects. It is the originality that makes an antique item precious.
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Joseph “Dr. Joe” Sataloff, 89, Art Nouveau Jewelry Expert
Gary Roskin, G.G., FGA, Senior Editor -- JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone, 1/5/2009 10:12:00 AM
World renowned expert on Art Nouveau Jewelry, Dr. Joseph Sataloff, died on Sept. 26. He was 89 years old.
Dr. Sataloff of Bala Cynwyd, Pa., a Philadelphia suburb, was first and foremost a physician, an Otolaryngologist. He was an accomplished surgeon in micro-surgical ear operations, and a university hospital professor. He made historic contributions in the early stages of hearing conservation, including as scientific advisor to then President Nixon in developing hearing protection standards for the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
In addition to his fame in the medical field however, Dr. Sataloff was an international expert in antique and estate jewelry, specifically in Art Nouveau.
An author of several books on hearing and hearing loss, Sataloff’s book titled, Art Nouveau Jewelry: A Practical Guide to Its History and Beauty, including a compendium of international hallmarks, is still considered the definitive reference standard for antique and estate jewelers.
“He literally and figuratively wrote the book on Art Nouveau,” says Diana Singer, D&E Singer, antique, period, and estate jewelry expert in New York.
“Dr. Joe,” as he was called, was a passionate collector of the finest and most classic examples of Art Nouveau jewelry. Over the years, pieces from his jewelry collection have been donated to museums, and have gone on tour.
“He was one of the prominent collectors of Art Nouveau jewelry,” Singer said. “He had a deep and profound respect for it, long before it became the collectable fashion.”
“The collection,” says Joyce Jonas, “is not to be believed. It is immeasurable. He started buying in the 1950’s.” Jonas, jewelry historian and president of Joyce Jonas & Associates, in New York, personally views the collection as “staggering.”
“Dr. Joe and Ruth generously donated to several museums, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston,” writes Janet Zapata. Zapata, jewelry historian, consultant, and author of several books on the decorative arts, wrote the memorial on Sataloff for the American Society of Jewelry Historians Fall newsletter. “Dr. Joe was not only passionate about jewelry, but also encouraged scholars and anyone interested to pursue their passion, always ready to answer a question or tell a story. He loved life,” writes Zapata, “and it was infectious.”
“In addition to Art Nouveau, he was an expert in jade, Faberge, and hallmarks,” Jonas said. And he was driven to sharing his jewelry knowledge with others. Jewelry Camp was Sataloff’s creation. Started in 1979, the Maine conference on Antique and Period Jewelry and Gemstones, otherwise known as Jewelry Camp, brought in experts from all over the world. “He wanted to educate people,” says Jonas. Jewelry camp was started, as Jonas said, “to fill what Dr. Joe felt was a void in jewelry scholarship.” It was an opportunity to learn, make friends, and simply enjoy. “He relished every minute of life; and had a true passion for people and jewelry. He’d personally greet everyone by name, making them feel special. He was a wonderful man. Even when he was giving you advice, he was doing so as a friend.”
Jonas bought Jewelry Camp from Sataloff in late 1992. Camp now continues as The Antique Jewelry & Art Conference,, under the new ownership of Edward and Sandy Lewand.
Dr. Sataloff received his bachelor’s degree in 1940 from the University of Pennsylvania, and then graduated with a medical degree from Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, in 1943.
He is survived by his wife Ruth, daughter Jody and son Robert, and five grandchildren.
For other Dr. Joe obituaries, log onto
Consumers purchase antiques in struggling economy
"Our clients have confirmed to us that individuals are continuing to purchase antiques, sculptures, art and jewelry as investments," DMG World Media Show Director Andrea Canady said in a media release. "We're featuring these true treasures all in one location at The Original Miami Beach Antique Show, where consumers can view, touch and purchase these invaluable items."
Some of the items that will be available at The Original Miami Beach Antique Show, to be held from Jan. 22-26, 2009, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Fla., include rare and unusual historical art collections and antiques from around the world such as 18th-, 19th- and 20th-century furniture, original paintings and works of art spanning more than three centuries, fine American and European silver, 19th- and 20th-century art glass such as Galle, Lalique and Tiffany, as well as world-renowned porcelain such as Meissen and KPM.
For show information about the show, call (239) 732-6642 or visit DMG World Media's Web site,
The Original Miami Beach Antique Show is just one of more than 300 trade exhibitions, consumer shows and fairs that DMG World Media produces every year in the United States, the United Kingdom and France.
Jewelry Time Periods: Georgian Period
Jewelry during this time was all handmade by skilled artisans and pieces from this era are very rare today. It was a time of upheaval, with the French Revolution, American Revolution and Napoleonic Wars taking place.
Gold and diamonds were scarce during this time period, so alternatives like glass “paste” copies of diamonds were created as well as other white colored stones. Garnets, pearls, and coral were used very often, while carving gemstones was very popular. Women often worn bracelets in pairs and earrings were worn long with hair kept upswept.
Jeweled arm bands worn high on the arm were popular near the beginning of the time period, with a change to more delicate jewelry happening towards the end.
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The knots have landed!
850-pound emerald at center of dispute
The "Bahia Emerald" -- one of the largest ever found -- was reported stolen in September from a secured vault in South El Monte in Los Angeles County. The report was made by someone who claimed to own the giant gemstone, Los Angeles Sheriff's Lt. Thomas Grubb said.
Federal court papers showed the emerald has been at the center of a dispute between a California man who claimed ownership, a company he contracted with to sell it, and a potential buyer.
Detective work traced the Brazilian stone to a Las Vegas, Nevada, warehouse, where the person in possession claimed to be the rightful owner, Grubb said.
A federal judge ordered the sheriff to hold the 180,000-carat emerald until he can sort the case out, Grubb said.
Investigators suspect someone used falsified papers to remove the stone from the secured vault in California, although no criminal charges have been filed, Grubb said.
While Grubb said it was his understanding the stone had been appraised at $370 million, the value is unclear.
The company hired by the owner to sell it said in court papers it had received a $19 million offer, which the company wanted to accept.
It alleged the gemstone's owner then tried to go around the broker to sell the emerald to the same buyer for $75 million.
At one point, the emerald was listed for sale on eBay for a "buy it now" price of $75 million.
Antique Jewelry: What is a Jelly Belly Anyway?
From: Amazon's antique jewelry forum
Antique Replica Engagement Rings
So why not go for the real thing? Check the real antique engagement rings from Adin.