These photos are not great. I shot them late and
night and the lighting was not very good--to lazy to
set up the photo box.
Betsy designed the template for the inside pages
that her guests would sign and had them printed.
We picked up the emblem that was on her wedding
invitation, enlarged it, and used it on the cover with
a black velvet back ground and the two "B's" glittered.
The paper for the cover also matched a design that
was on Betsy's invitation (a coincidence -- I found the
paper at Hobby Lobby).

Inside front cover. I scanned the invitation and
made it smaller so it could be displayed in her book.
A "plain" page (no photos) with just some sparkly
hearts at the bottom was used for every other-page
in the book.
Betsy shared some photos that she had and I just
selected a few to add some "fun" to the book for the
guests as they were signing their names. Note:
The circle around the cut-out photo is made with
Betsy's colors were black, silver, and hot pink. I
found some great rub-ons in pink to add to the effect.
Cary Bates, http://www.carybatesphotography.com/,
took most (if not all) of the photos I used. I changed
them to a sepia tone for the book.
For the "envelope," I scanned the front side of the
wedding invitation envelope and used the back side
for a personal note to Betsy and Barron. You may
not be able to see it, but the postage stamp is a photo
of Betsy and Barron. I messed it up a little and bent it
so it would like it had been sent in the mail. I punched
a hole in it and slipped it in one of the rings at the end
of the book.
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