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Let's be a Part of Organic Movement with Organic Body Jewelry (Jeffrey Horton)

Eco friendly, eco based, organic, the words now have much of stressed importance in view of recent up down in global balance. Even a style and fashion thing as jewelry is also not spared and you hear terms as organic body jewelry. Yes, now you can be all eco friendly trying and wearing this category of jewelry. They may not be with a resale value tag but they definitely are much better than fibers and plastics which are made of non eco friendly methods. Before we head start for its possible benefits let's find the ideas, styles and types being used in such category of jewelry. * For animal lovers or one who are against animal killing this idea may not sound great but because of its organic nature they are popular for conventional design or piercing designs in jewelry. Yes, the animal horns, animal horns have same bio characteristics as of hair and nail. These come with their essential benefit of getting compatible with human skin possibly due to its organic structure. It absorbs body oils well and allow the piercing area to stay nourished or moisturized which further prevents development of that funk that generates after piercing on the skin.

* In many tribe forms wearing of these horns or nails have some spiritual significance also and is believed to protect from evil energies.

* Speaking of horns and nails, bones also come in category of organic jewelry. Artisans though not often use complete bone for the jewelry making. They mix it with wood to give them better base. Antlers and ivory are famous in the type. Ivory sale is strictly prohibited all over the world so if your friend boasts of having ivory plug ins those are not the real ones for sure. * Wood the best and favorite. Usually hardwood is most often used for jewelry making. It's the one organic raw material for jewelry that is with natural shades and colors and can be designed in any size. Bamboo also comes in the category of wooden jewelry. In ancient times and still in some tribes they use bamboo needles as the safest means for piercing. The best part in all these types is that they not only benefit you as the healthiest type of jewelry to be worn on your skin but also give immense opportunities to those artisans who earn their living with this creative art. Even being safe and sound organic piercings in Australia is still not being approached at the level it should be. So it becomes rightful duty of us jewelry lovers to keep people aware and posted well about such designs and be a part of the organic movement. ABK piercing supplies has a wide assortment of body jewelry online. Find the wide range along with their latest tribal collection and bets supplies for piercings in Australia at

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