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Why You Should Design Your Own Ring?

Jewelry can be a very intensely personal piece of your self expression. Given the cost of even the most affordable pieces of fine jewelry, that's a bit of a given. However, we wear so many pieces of manufactured jewelry. Wedding bands and rings, for instance, come in thousands of styles, but how many of those are machine-made, how many of them are chosen on the virtue of "what I like best from the selection," and not from "I love this;" can you say the same of your rings? And wedding rings are only one example of jewelry that could be truly custom designed and isn't. So perhaps it's time to start thinking about why you should design your own ring.

Designing your own ring can be rather affordable and, in point of fact, with a little planning ahead, may be more affordable than buying a similar ring already made. The cost of a gemstone in a ring, already set, is much higher than the cost of that gem, that ring, and the price of getting it set. Of course it is, jewelers are in the business of making money, after all. You can save a lot of money by buying loose diamonds and gemstones. Even roundness of carat, meaning having a carat weight that is a whole number and not a decimal, comes with a premium attached. If you design your own ring, you can avoid these premiums, which can add up to over thirty percent of the cost of the ring.

Of course, for those most concerned with style, designing your own ring if often the easiest way to get what you want. Most mass-market rings are made to appeal to the most people and these elegant and clean designs do their job well. But what if you have a thing for the now retro future designs that popped up in the thirties and continued well into the fifties? What if you have a hard drive stuffed with art noveau architecture? It's hard to have those specialist itches scratched by broad market efforts.

Don't let your excellent taste and demands for particular quality hold you back from owning a piece of fine jewelry. When you design your own ring, you can let your desire speak, not the power of the market or even the voice of your wallet. If you want to make a new DEAR ring for your dear (a Victorian style ring with Diamonds, Emeralds, Amethysts, and Rubies), you can make one. Designing your own jewelry is the start of a grand adventure.

Ansel Adams is exceedingly interested in diamonds of all shapes and sizes. He explains about tips on design your own ring and custom design jewelry. Rate this Article

Why You Should Design Your Own Ring?Not Rated Yet

Ansel Adams has published 2 articles. Article submitted on July 18, 2013. Word count: 425

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