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A Brief History of Men's Jewelry

Jewelry wasn't always designed to be something that was just for appearances. Nowadays most people think of jewelry as an accessory to whatever they are wearing, to help make the outfit look better. Certainly there are exceptions to this, ranging from the romantic (engagement rings, journey jewelry) to the lifesaving (medic alert bracelets) to the functional (watches.) Even the watch you probably choose to wear, though, is one you select because of the style that it is. Jewelry in years past, especially men's jewelry was less about how good it made you look and more about the significance behind it.

Even the most basic styles of jewelry came into popularity for the same reason why it is popular now: because it is shiny and pretty and valuable. When it was simple gold bracelets and rings, it stood out from what everyone else was wearing around them. This is why it became such an integral part of religious ceremonies. The beauty of it helped to create the illusion that it was not of this earth but rather a gift from the gods and should somehow be re-appropriated to them. As a symbol of their connection to the gods, the priests would also adorn themselves with fine jewelry. (That some of them would take it home for their personal gain was, I guess, inevitable.)

This use of jewelry as a symbol of godliness continued as rulers, as far back as the Pharaohs of Egypt, convinced their subjects that they were descended from gods themselves. As time wore on, of course, most people knew this wasn't true, but the presences of jewelry did not abate. In fact, it only continued to grow as these rulers hired professional jewelers and artisans to make some of the finest jewelry ever designed. One only need look at the intricate patterns and details of the Crown Jewels of England to see this.

All this finally started to change when monarchies started to fall, the industrial revolution began and the middle class first showed up. Now there was a group of people who, by no means people of leisure, had money to spend on things other than necessities. Since fine jewelry had always been associated with those in power, it became something that they wanted to buy. If you were to be seen wearing men's jewelry, it meant that you had achieved a certain status in your life. You could afford something to show you were successful.

Today that is easier and more acceptable than ever. Now the options a person has when it comes to selecting affordable men's jewelry can truly boggle the mind. Men's jewelry is no longer just limited to a couple of styles of necklaces, a collection of pinkie rings and oversized, bulky watches. Men are seen (and comfortable being seen) wearing rings on multiple fingers, or sporting bracelets made of such materials as platinum and titanium. There are multiple styles of necklaces to choose from, and watches now come in a wide ranging selection from the standout to the sublime.

You've reached a point in your life were you have become successful. You deserve to treat yourself and celebrate your success by finding the right piece of men's jewelry for you.

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