

What do you think of these solution?


Affordable Engagement Rings For Men?

When one typically thinks of engagement rings, the thought of a man getting down on one knee and proposing to his lady comes to mind. This is a time honored tradition that most women dream of from the time they are little girls.

Brace yourself because what I am about to tell you might come off as alarming. In some cases women are proposing to their men! They get down on one knee and ask their boyfriends to marry them. This is not my cup of tea but it's beginning to catch on. There is something to be said for such lasting traditions. I do realize that times are changing and we are entertaining ideas that in previous decades would have been considered tabu. However, I say more power to those women, but I'm all about the traditional route.

How do you think the man would feel in this situation? He might feel slightly uncomfortable or agitated. Lots of men take pride in being the man in a relationship. It gives them satisfaction to know they do mainly things for their lady like killing spiders, mowing the lawn, fixing things around the house, making more money and/or doing the proposing. It is an innate desire for a man to want to protect and provide for his family and especially his special lady. Most women absolutely love the idea of Prince Charming gallantly coming to the rescue. I know I do.

What would he tell his buddies when they noticed him wearing a ring? Most likely, they would ask him if he ran off and got married. He would then try to explain that his girlfriend proposed and that he did not even have to purchase a ring! Then his buddies might change their minds about what they previously thought about him being proposed to. What if all of his buddies were on board with this idea? Then we would have an entire movement of men trying to convince their women to propose! That would be like living in an alternate universe. Could you imagine a complete role reversal? A world where men acted like women and the women were the ones calling the shots not as if we don't do our fair share of decision making already!

Eventually, the man would realize that both of them need engagement rings in order to proceed with the wedding planning process. Maybe there is some middle ground. Either way the couple will do what they want or all that matters is that they are happy.

Author Bio
Alvin Ke Adams is a freelancer and writer with extensive knowledge about Affordable Gents Rings and specializing in a variety of consumer jewelry products including Certified Loose Diamonds.

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